ArCA instructor teaching a group of students


Arkansas Coding Academy began in 2016 to address the skilled IT worker gap identified by Arkansas Governor Hutchinson’s Blue Ribbon Panel on Computer Science Education. We provide market-driven technical training, taught by industry experts, to help individuals find new careers.

Our Mission

Arkansas Coding academy provides expert-led, in-demand technology training to fuel a diverse, career-ready workforce in Arkansas.

Our Values

  • Community
  • Intellectual Excellence
  • Diversity
  • Integrity

Market-Driven Curriculum

We hire experts in the industry to teach our courses, and we work with Arkansas companies to ensure our curriculum aligns to market demands. These ensure you learn skills the market is looking for and you’re able to apply them quickly in your new career.

Arkansas Coding Academy instructor teaching
ArCA students sitting on couch and talking

Career Development & Networking

Our Student Success team works with our students to help with resume writing, online profiles, interviews, and more with the goal of helping our students prepare for a new career.

Students leave our program with the technical skills, soft skills, and network to successfully begin a new career in tech.

Diversity and Inclusion

Students join our program from all walks of life all with the goal of building a new future. We are passionate about helping Arkansans learn new skills and build their new career.

Students coding in an ArCA classroom

Our Team

Advisory Board

Our Advisory Board consists of professionals in IT, government, and education fields. These professionals provide valuable input and guidance to our program to ensure our students stand out from the crowd.

Josh Smith

Josh Smith

CEO, Metova

Stephen Addison

Stephen Addison, PhD

Professor and Dean, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Central Arkansas

Sandra Swindle

Sandra Swindle

Global Chief Operating Officer, Merkle / CXM

Jeff Standridge

Jeff D. Standridge, Ed.D.

Managing Partner, Cadron Capital Partners

Kenny Kinley

Kenny Kinley

President & CEO, Edafio Technology Partners

Grace Rains

Grace Rains

Executive Director, Conductor

Michael Hargis

Michael B. Hargis, Ph.D.

Dean and Professor of Management, College of Business, University of Central Arkansas

Shaneil Ealy

Shaneil Ealy, Ed.D., CPP

Associate Vice President, Division of Outreach and Community Engagement, University of Central Arkansas

GB Cazes

GB Cazes

Founder & CEO, Emory Solutions LLC

Cody Waits

Cody Waits

Director, Office of Skills Development, Arkansas Department of Commerce

Sonny Bradley

Sonny Bradley

Vice President, Acxiom

Bill Yoder

Bill Yoder

Executive Director, Arkansas Center for Data Sciences

Corey Parks

Corey Parks, MBA, PCED

Vice President of Economic Development, Conway Area Chamber of Commerce

Jay Callaway

Jay Callaway

Vice President of Branded Communications, First Orion


Alison Wish

Alison Wish


Leslie Coger headshot

Leslie Coger

Fiscal Support & Office Manager

Kim Taylor headshot

Kim Taylor

Student Success & Career Coordinator

Kaitlyn Sullivan

Kaitlyn Sullivan

Marketing and Recruitment Coordinator


Lizzy Beck headshot

Lizzy Beck

Marketing Intern


Daniel Lazenby

Daniel Lazenby

Full-Stack Instructor

Cameron Carper

Cameron Carper

Full-Stack Instructor

Jack Mulhollan

Jack Mulhollan

Full-Stack Instructor

Derrick Carruth

Derrick Carruth

SQL Instructor

Are you ready for a new career?